About Us
We're students with a passion for writing.
Deakin University English Language Society (DUELS) is a student-run club that is primarily targeted at Bachelor of Arts students studying literature, creative writing, media, history, and other language-based units. We run both social and academic events alike, and aim to connect students with mutual interests through weekly meet-ups. The club provides plenty of opportunities to make new friends, engage in peer reviews and advice, enhance writing skills, explore controversial topics, and even start building a career through workshops and networking events.
If you're looking for an advantageous, inclusive, and fun Deakin club to join, we'd love to see you at our next meet-up or event. We welcome students from all campuses as we run many events via the cloud, while splitting physical events between the Melbourne Burwood Campus and the Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus.
Emma-leigh Theobald
2022 President
Miriam Ramsay
2022 Secretary
Scott Hudson
2022 Treasurer
The 2021 team
We thank you
To the 2021 exec team Carrington (president), Andrew (treasurer), and Miriam (secretary), we thank you for your work founding the club. DUELS is here because of the hard work, sweat, and perhaps some tears these three have put into it. So thank you.